Trinidad and Tobago Police Service Corrupt at Its Core

Dates and times I contacted the police for assistance

For a number of years the Trinidad and Tobago police service, specifically the La Horquetta police station, have failed to respect my rights and title to land at #9 Churchill Roosevelt Highway in Arima. My numerous requests for their assistance in dealing with the illegal actions of Carver Felix (who occupies lot #10), his family and associates have fallen by the wayside.

In 2004, Carver Felix stole over a truck load of gravel (pitrun) from me, and when I tried to report it, the police refused to record a statement at the time. I eventually wrote the then Commissioner of Police, Everald Snaggs, and went to the Police Complaints authority, but nothing was done.

In 2007, Carver Felix’s son, Jaylanee (sp) Felix, and his brother-in-law, Bevon Thomas, attacked me while I was working on my land. I had called the La Horquetta police station, prior to this attack, when I was threatened with bodily harm. I was assured by officer Grey they would be sending someone to my location. However, an officer came only after the incident. This officer came in plain clothes and in an unmarked car. He never identified himself by using his Trinidad and Tobago Police ID. When I asked him his name, he told me his name was officer Singh. I learned, only much later, his name was actually Simmons (sp). He never advised me to come to the station to provide a report. Instead, he instructed me to leave my land and take the matter to court. Notwithstanding this, I wrote to the then Commissioner of Police, Trevor Paul, about the incident. His office never responded to my letter. Subsequently, a letter was sent on my behalf by attorney Anand Ramlogan to the Commissioner’s office, the Police Complaints Authority, and the Solicitor General’s office, but nothing was done about the incident.

In 2008, Carver Felix physically assaulted me and the police tried to protect him from being charged with the offence. This attack was prompted because I tried to fence my land to mitigate the many problems I was having with him. Highlights of this sordid affair are recorded below.

Note: Carver Felix has two outstanding warrants for his arrest. The police are aware of these warrants, but they choose not to execute them.

The following represents just some of the dates and times I have recorded between the period of October 1, 2007 and February 16, 2009 when I sought the assistance of the police and their responses to my requests for help.

Note: These entries are not meant to capture complete conversations or incidences regarding the following recorded events.

October 1, 2007

At about 09:00 am

I visited the La Horquetta Police Station; I met an officer with badge# 13827; I spoke with Sergeant Sadhoo (Badge # 9895)

I gave him copies of my documents showing I had title to the land at #9 Churchill Roosevelt Highway Arima

October 2, 2007

At about 10:30 am

Visited La Horquetta Police Station

Brought additional copies of documents; an officer with badge# 13946 made copies of my documents to be given to the senior officers at the station.

October 3, 2007

At about 02:18 pm

I called for officer Ramdeen, I spoke with officer Bullin (sp)

October 5, 2007

At about 09:00 am

Sergeant Sadhoo visited Carver Felix’s residence.

At about 03:11 pm

I called the La Horquetta Police station; I spoke with Acting Cprl Camble who gave me the fax number at the Station (643-0103)

October 15, 2007

At about 09:15 am

I called the La Horquetta Police Station; Acting Sergeant Patrick answered the phone.

I spoke with Sergeant Sadhoo; I asked if he got the letter I faxed to him on October 5, 2007 at 3:30 pm. Sadhoo replied, “No.” He said he will check the office for it.

Note: Sadhoo was unwilling to say whether or not Carver Felix came to the station to speak with him. During his October 5 visit to Carver Felix, Sgt Sadhoo told his wife to ask Carver Felix to visit the station.

December 9, 2007

At about 11:30 am

I went to the La Horquetta Police Station to report the threat to ‘…chop off my head and bury it’, made against me by Bevon Thomas — Carver Felix’s brother-in-law. Constable Sandy, badge# 13336, took my report and made an entry in the station diary.

At about 05:26 pm

I called the La Horquetta Police Station. Officer St. John, badge# 16427, answered the phone. I asked if anything was done with respect to the report I made earlier. I also spoke with corporal Dematas, badge#13218. Nothing was done.

December 11, 2007

At about 11:00 am

I went to the La Horquetta Police Station.

I spoke with an officer bearing badge# 15151; I gave him a copy of my medical report documenting injuries I suffered during the physical attack against me by Jaylanee (sp) Felix, Carver Felix’s son, and Bevon Thomas, Carver Felix’s brother-in-law, on June 16, 2007. I asked the officer to give it to Sergeant Sadhoo.

December 17, 2007

At about 09:42 am

Acting Sergeant Patrick of the La Horquetta Police Station; Inspector Ramdeen spoke with Inspector Daniel – I was told he will be available tomorrow morning.

Note: I believe I was asking to speak with Snr Superintendent Maraj.

December 19, 2007

At about 10:42 am

I visited the Police Complaints Authority

December 20, 2007

At about 09:20 am

I called the La Horquetta Police Station; I spoke with constable Singh; I asked for Sergeant Sadhoo; I left my name and phone number.

January 2, 2008

At about 11:30 am

I made a report to the La Horquetta Police Station in reference to Bevon Thomas hurling a projectile at me after I caught him going towards my pigeon peas with a bowl; I spoke with officer bearing badge# 16427

January 3, 2008

At about 02:09 pm

I dropped off pictures taken of Bevon Thomas on January 2, 2008 when he was caught going towards my pigeon peas. I gave pictures to Sergeant Sadhoo.

January 12, 2008

At about 00:00

I reported Carver Felix’s sheep/goats had entered my property to corporal Hobbes badge#10560. They refused to keep them tied.

January 17, 2008

At about 06:36 pm

I visited the La Horquetta Police Station; I spoke with an officer bearing badge# 4426; It was recommended that I take my issue to the Arima Magistrates Court/J.P. By officer Hinds.

January 19, 2008

At about 00:00

I reported Carver Felix’s stray sheep/goats to corporal Hobbes badge#10560

January 21, 2008

At about 08:33 am

I called the La Horquetta Police Station, and I spoke with officer Leith Kim badge# 5883 about Carver Felix’s stray sheep/goats

At about 09:07 am

I received a call from officer Leith Kim; I was told the police vehicle was being repaired.

At about 10:17 am

I called La Horquetta Police Station and I spoke with officer Gittens.

At about 11:45 am

I brought one of Carver Felix’s goats, which I caught on my property, to the La Horquetta Police Station; officer bearing badge# 10611 spoke with me; constable Benny badge# 1859 took my report.

January 31, 2008

At about 09:30 am

I received a call from Brian Joseph of Police Complaints (627-4382)

Note: I was advised to call Snr Superintendent Maraj at La Horquetta Police Station (643-1223)

February 7, 2008

At about 08:49 am

I called Brian Joseph of Police Complaints

At about 09:13 am

I called the La Horquetta Police Station; Acting Superintendent Patrick answered the phone; She advised me to call 643-0103 (Phone # for Snr Superintendent)

At about 09:36 am

I called the La Hoquetta Police Station; I spoke with officer Balloo; I was advised to call tomorrow.

February 8, 2008

At about 09:40 am

I called the La Horquetta Police Station for Snr Superintendent Maraj; I spoke with officer Abraham; I was told Mr. Maraj won’t be in until about noon.

At about 01:06 pm

I called the La Horquetta Police Station to speak with Snr Superintendent Maraj; I spoke with WPC Grant; I was advised to call back At about 3 pm – Snr Superintendent in court.

At about 03:40

I called the La Horquetta Police Station to speak with Snr Superintedent Maraj; He was not in.

February 14, 2008

At about 09:38

I called the La Horquetta Police Station; I spoke with Acting Insp. White.

February 22, 2008

At about 11:00 am

Corporal Narine badge# 13496 along with officer Lewis# 4477 visited my premises in PBZ 3283 after I called them to have the goats placed in my land by Bevon Thomas removed.

February 25, 2008

At about 08:40 am

I spoke with Acting Superintendent Brathwaite in reference to getting two Extra Duty officers to supervise the removal of items from my land belonging to Carver Felix.

Note: Constable De Roshe prepared the receipt.

March 5, 2008

At about 11:30 am

I called the La Horquetta Police Station to ask for assistance with Carver Felix’s stray animals. I spoke with officer Roberts, who after listening to me said, “Ain’t you already decided what you’re going to do, so what you’re calling here for.”

I later called Tunapuna — Head Quarters for Snr Superintendent Maraj. I spoke with WPC Boyce. After our discussion, I asked her to give me her name on several occasions, but she refused. Eventually, she told me her name was officer Singh. I asked her for her badge number. She refused to give it to me. She subsequently hung up the phone. I waited for about a minute and called her number again, she answered the phone, “Hello, Northern Division. WPC Boyce, may I help you?” I got her real name.

April 19, 2008

At about 06:10 pm

I was physically assaulted by Carver Felix in front of Universal Structures Ltd.; Steve Louis, a security officer at Universal, witnessed the incident.

I called the Malabar Police Post to report the assault; I spoke with WPC Park.

At about 06:40 pm

I went to the Malabar Police Post and gave a report to corporal Abraham (sp) badge# 9508

April 28, 2008

At about 06:00 am

I tried to report an attempted assault while leaving to go to work to officer bearing badge# 15151; I was verbally chastised. No report was taken.

Note: I called Snr Superintendent Maraj and told him what occurred. He told me he would call the officers at the La Horquetta Police Station and have them take the report. I was supposed to go after work, on the same day, but I went on the following day.

April 29, 2008

At about 06:00 pm

I met with officer Mcleod badge# 13827 at the La Horquetta Police Station; He took the report regarding the attempted assault, and a bottle throwing incident which took place on April 26, 2008 – One of Carver Felix’s associates threw a bottle at me because I took a picture of him and his companion coming through my fence.

May 28, 2008

At about 08:30

Inspector Pierre from the La Horquetta Police station called requesting a meeting with me.

May 29, 2008

At about 00:00

I was contacted by corporal Acco of Police Complaints Division (473-7554)

May 30, 2008

At about 09:00 am

I called the La Horquetta Police Station to speak with Inspector Pierre; I was told by WPC John that he was out.

June 4, 2008

At about 08:10 am

I called the La Horquetta Police Station and asked for Inspector Pierre; Officer Murray told me he was out. I left a message with Murray for Pierre.

June 15, 2008

At about 03:15 pm

I went to the La Horquetta Police Station and gave a statement to inspector Pierre about the assault which took place on June 16, 2007 by Bevon Thomas and Jaylanee Felix. To this day, nothing was ever done about this incident.

June 20, 2008

At about 10:35 am

I went to the La Horquetta Police Station and reported to corporal Hobbs badge# 10560 of seeing Avaleen Felix, the wife of Carver Felix, pushing and breaking my concrete fence post.
Note: Before I got to the police station, I called and spoke to officer Murray on the phone about what I saw. Nothing was done about the incident.

July 15, 2008

At about 02:30 pm

I called the Police Complaints Division in Port-of-Spain (625-9158); corporal Acco told me the file was passed on to Inspector Goolcharan, because of the rank of the officers involved in the matter she was investigating.

July 16, 2008

At about 00:00

I called and spoke with Inspector Goolcharan of the Police Complaints Division in Port-of-Spain (623-9986; 625-2030). He told me my file was passed to Barnett at South’s Complaints Division (653-2313; 652-2723)

July 18, 2008

At about noon

I spoke with officer Barnett of South Complaints Division; I was told by Barnett due to the rank of the officers implicated, Sgt Sadhoo…, it would have to be investigated by an inspector or above; Barnett told me to call him on Tuesday July 22, 2008 to get a status report.

July 21, 2008

At about 08:30 am

I called Snr Supt Maraj in reference to the warrant for the arrest of Carver Felix; Snr Supt Maraj told me he will call officer Salinas at the Malabar Police Station about it.

July 22, 2008

At about 01:00 am

I called for officer Barnett of Police Complaints Division in South; I spoke with Ms Hellier (sp); A message was left for Barnett on his cell.

At about 03:30 pm

I spoke with ACP Errol DeNoon (681-4078) about the warrant for Carver Felix’s arrest.

July 23, 2008

At about 08:30 am

I spoke with officer Barnett from the South Complaints Division; He told me he had all-day meeting yesterday. He did receive my message, but he has to pass my file to the inspector and he will talk with me tomorrow after meeting with Snr Supt. Mc Millan

July 24, 2008

At about 04:00 pm

I called officer Barnett who told me the Snr Supt has to appoint an inspector. He (Barnett) will call me on July 25 after lunch.

Note: Barnett never called me.

August 6, 2008

At about 07:00 am

I called the Malabar Police Post and told officer Salinas that Carver Felix was at home, so the warrant could be served on him. Salinas responded by saying he had executed the warrant on Carver Felix on the previous day.

August 8, 2008

At about 03:25 pm

I called for officer Barnett, and I was told by corporal Jackson that he went on enquiries. Officer Jackson offered to try and contact him on his cell.

August 11, 2008

At about 03:00 pm

I called for officer Barnett; However, I spoke with Acting Inspector Palloo of South Complaints Division.

At about 08:00 pm

I went to the Malabar Police Post to speak with officer Salinas regarding the specifics of Carver Felix’s arrest on the warrant. Officer Salinas told me Carver Felix was arrested on August 5, 2008 and taken to the Arima Magistrates’ Third Court.

Note: I later learned that this was not true. The warrant, when it was eventually found by office clerks at the Arima court, showed that it was executed upon Carver Felix at the Malabar Police Post at 5 pm by officer Salinas; Carver Felix was given police bail in the sum of $10,000 with surety by a private JP and his wife, Avaleen Felix, was his bailer. However, a date was never set for the matter to come before a magistrate. I am speculating that this was done to avoid being asked by a magistrate for tracing — Caver Felix has two outstanding warrants for his arrest at the Besson Street Police Station.

At about 09:05 pm

I called the La Horquetta Police Station to report that I discovered a portion of my fence torn down, and that there were individuals using drugs at the location where my fence was torn down.

At about 09:50 pm

I went to the La Horquetta Police Station to make an official report. I spoke with officer Callender badge# 13910 who was rude and refused to make an entry in the station diary.

Officer Roberts, who was present at the station was also rude, “…You are the only one that has rights. I would like you to bring your deed”

Roberts continued, “We have two other more serious reports to deal with. When we get time we will deal with he – Star boy. Let’s go and deal with those reports before I do something I regret.” These officers never came to investigate.

August 14, 2008

At about 01:00

I called for officer Barnett; I was told no one had been appointed to my case. However, I was told Snr Supt McMillan is the officer responsible for making the appointment.

August 22, 2008

At about 11:00 am

I called and spoke with officer Barnett; I was told the Snr Supt will appoint an investigator on August 25.

August 27, 2008

At about 01:30 pm

I left a note for ACP Amber Denoon requesting her assistance to get officer Salinas of the Malabar Police Station to inform me of the court date for Carver Felix. I left the note with an officer bearing badge# 14059

August 28, 2008

At about 08:30 am

I got a call from ACP Amber DeNoon assuring me that she had instructed officer Salinas of the Malabar Police Station to give me a summons for the next appearance of Carver Felix in Court.

I told her about the problems I was having with getting an investigator assigned to my complaint. I mentioned officer Barnett of South Complaints.

Note: It is important to mention that officer Salinas could never provide me with a court date or summons because this information was never placed on the warrant.

August 29, 2008

At about 03:00 pm

I went to the Tunapuna Police Station and I dropped off a number of documents for ACP Amber DeNoon. They included copies of my survey plan, documents showing title to my land, and letters written asking for assistance with resolving my situation with Carver Felix. I gave the documents to officer bearing badge# 14059

September 1, 2008

At about 06:45 am

I went to the La Horquetta Police Station to report that I found another fence post broken. I spoke to an officer who gave his name as Chadee. He refused to give me his badge number or to take a report.

October 26, 2008

At about 11:00 pm

I went to the La Horquetta Police Station to report that a backhoe was used to clear away a section of my land as well as destroying several of my concrete fence posts. I reported the incident to WPC Thomas (badge# 16433). I also told her I had a summons which needed to be served upon Carver Felix, however it was not in my possession. I promised to return with the summons.

At about 02:00 am

I returned to the La Horquetta Police station and gave the summons to WPC Thomas (badge# 16433).

Note: Nothing was ever done about my fence and the illegal clearing of my land.

October 27, 2008

At about 09:18 am

I saw constable Hernandez (badge# 13109), of the La Horquetta Police Station, as well as an officer bearing badge# 15151 pay a visit to the residence of Carver Felix. Carver Felix was not present, but his son and a young female in school uniform were present at the house.

Officer Hernandez informed me that the summons was served.

Note: This was another summons. The previous summons was never served.

October 29, 2008

At about 09:30 am

I went to the La Horquetta Police Station and again presented documents showing my title to land at #9 Churchill Roosevelt Highway to constable Hernandez (badge# 13109)

November 4, 2008

At about 11:00 am

I spoke to Inspector Davis by phone of CID and gave him a brief overview of the problems I was having with Carver Felix and the response of certain officers at the La Horquetta Police Station. Inspector Davis asked me to visit his office on November 6, 2008 at 8 am.

November 6, 2008

At about 08:05 am

I met with and spoke with Inspector Davis regarding my concerns about the situation between myself and Carver Felix, as well as the failure of certain officers to do their job. I provided Inspector Davis with a copy of this document with records of my calls to various police officers, notations of incidence involving Carver Felix, and visits to Police Stations from October 1, 2007 to September 1, 2008.

Inspector Davis told me he will assign Snr. Supt Earl Jackson whose office was, at that time, located at the Tunapuna Police Station, to investigate my allegations.

November 7, 2008

At about 09:00 am

I spoke with Supt. Earl Jackson. I informed him of my discussion with Inspector Davis and highlighted issues I was facing with Carver Felix. E. Jackson said he would investigate and he would ask Inspector Davis for a copy of the document I provided to him. E. Jackson took my number and asked me to give him until Tuesday, November 11 to respond.

At about 09:15 am

I called the La Horquetta Police station and I spoke with officer Narine (Badge#: 13496). I asked the officer when WPC Thomas would be on duty to give me a status report on her investigations. The officer never gave me a report on her investigations. Nothing was done about this incident.

November 11, 2008

At about 9:28 am

I called Supt. E. Jackson. I eventually spoke with constable Rampersad. I was informed that Supt. Jackson had stepped out and would be back in 15 minutes. I left my name and number with the officer.

November 14, 2008

At about 10:31 am

I received a call from inspector Davis advising me to call Supt. E. Jackson.

At about 11:09 am

I called Supt. E. Jackson and we arranged to meet at the Tunapuna Police station at 12 noon.

November 17, 2008,

At about 10:20 am

I called Supt. E. Jackson to remind him about questions raised during our last meeting – November 14 at 12 noon.

Note: In my presence Supt. E. Jackson called the La Horquetta police station and asked about the status of the report I made on October 26, 2008. He was told that the file had been closed. Upon further inquiry he learned that inspector Pierre had closed the matter without conducting an investigation.

At about 10:24 am

I called and spoke with Inspector Edwards from the Complaints office in San Fernando. He told me he passed my file to Supt. McMillan over a month ago. However, she is on a training course, so I will need to speak with Supt. Noel at CID in Port of Spain.

November 18, 2008

At about 11:35 am

I had an impromptu meeting with Supt E. Jackson at the Tunapuna Station. I gave him a copy of this document.

November 24, 2008

At about 09:12 am

I called and spoke with Supt. E. Jackson who told me he instructed officer Salinas of the Malabar police post to deliver a summons to my witness. I was assured he would do so within 48 hours. Supt. E. Jackson told me he asked Salinas to bring the file for him to look at. I was informed Supt. Pierre has been instructed concerning my last report and he will be dealt with according to procedure.

Supt. E. Jackson instructed me to contact Supt. Noel at CID to get an update regarding the Police Complaints report.

November 28, 2008

Between 09:40 am to 10:15 am

I called Inspector Davis of CID at least four times.

December 3, 2008

At about 09:48 am

I called inspector Davis and I informed him that the summons was not delivered to my witness Steve Louis; No update was given to me concerning my report of malicious damage to my property by Carver Felix on October 26, 2008. Inspector Davis informed me he will make enquiries and get back in touch with me.

At about 4:08 pm

I called inspector Davis who said he didn’t get back in touch with me because he hadn’t heard from Supt. E. Jackson. He will try to call him again.

December 5, 2008

At about 12 noon

I called to speak with Supt. Jackson at the Tunapuna Police station. I was told by WPC Sookdeo that he was transferred to the Police Service Working Group at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

I called inspector Davis and informed him officer Salinas didn’t deliver the summons to my witness. Inspector Davis said he will call Supt. E. Jackson to have to matter address and have Salinas called in.

December 17, 2008

At about 09:20 am

I spoke with Ms. King at the Commissioner’s office. I left my name and telephone contact with a message for inspector Davis to call me.

At about 02:30 pm

Inspector Davis called me and said he will call Supt. E. Jackson and he will call me in half hour.

At about 04:48

Inspector Davis called to inform me that he couldn’t reach Supt. E. Jackson. Davis said he appraised the Commissioner of the situation and he will update me on December 18, 2008.

Note: I never got an update.

February 16, 2009

At about 10:52 am

I spoke with officer Lovell at the Commissioner’s office. I was told inspector Davis is on another call. I left my name and phone number for him to contact me.

Note: Neither supt Jackson nor inspector Davis has contacted me since.

At about 11:05 am

I called for Supt. E. Jackson. WPC Sookdeo-Ford said he was no longer at the Tunapuana Station.

At about 11:10 am

I called and spoke with Sgt. Baptiste at the La Horquetta Police Station. I inquired about the reports I gave on December 17, 2008 regarding the malicious damage done to my fence post and the Destruction of my “NO TRESPASSING” sign by Carver Felix. Sgt. Baptiste asked officer Murray about the status of his investigations. Murray informed him that Carver Felix has not yet provide the police with a statement about the matter. Also, in reference to the pictures I provided showing Carver Felix destroying my “NO TRESPASSING” sign, Sgt. Baptiste claimed he has yet to receive instructions from his superiors. Call him in 2 weeks.

Note: The findings of two police investigations resulting from reports I made to the Police Complaints Authority have never been revealed to me.

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