Our Leaders Have No Fear of God

Soon another General Election will be due in the twin-island republic of Trinidad and Tobago, and the issues which have long bedeviled this country still continue to do so. In fact, things have gotten much worse, and the reason for this is our leaders, and many of our citizens, have little fear, if any, for God.

The simple tenets of the Ten Commandments as well as the God who gave them have been rejected by most. As a consequence of this, we are reaping the bitter harvest of the chaos which now torments us.

It is written in the Holy Scriptures: Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. Simply put, if the citizens of a country honour the Lord and abide by His laws, they shall do well. However, if they fail to do this, the opposite will be true.

During the various swearing-in ceremonies for our elected officials, part of the process involves having them place their right hand on the “holy” book of their respective faith and committing to carrying out their duties before god and to the people without fear or favour. However, this process, as we have come to realize, is an exercise in futility and hypocrisy, because they never truly honour these words.

This practice, I am sure, was started because it was believed that by what higher authority can a man swear, but by his god, and if a man could lie to his god, who sees all and before whom he will have to give an accounting for his life and inevitably pay the ultimate penalty of eternal damnation, then, truly, he has to be a reprobate.

If one does not believe the writings of the Bible, or for that matter in God, its truths play out in our daily lives as irrefutable evidence of their veracity.

Our God-given patrimony has been stolen and squandered over the decades, while many of our citizens are left begging for basic services and the easing of life’s many burdens.

Crime and moral decadence have now become a monstrous blight devouring our land.

Yet, while many claim to want better governance – in effect, better leaders – generally speaking, our trademark indifference, lack of civic mindedness and our apathetic response to injustice as well as lawlessness betrays the inherent sincerity of this noble desire.

Political and social pundits of every classification have long peddled their unique brand of medicine which they believe will ameliorate this country against its ills. However, after 50-plus years of Independence our country has not fared any better under successive administrations.
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Corruption is rife. Succinctly put, men and women elected to public office, who lack integrity, have held this nation hostage to the worst manifestation of human shortcomings and character flaws imaginable.

Trinidad and Tobago is a very wealthy nation, but it is this wealth and the rapacious desire of a few to control and possess most of it, which is contributing to our demise.

Truly, as Paul the apostle declared: 1Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. As a people, we are living in this reality.

What, in part, and to a great extent, ails this country is a pernicious structure of godless leaders.

It is recorded in the scriptures of the Bible time and time again how terribly the people of Israel suffered when they turned away from their God.

Only when they acknowledged their sins and repented were they restored and the healing balm of a merciful God comforted them. In conjunction to this, when the people had god-fearing leaders they prospered. Conversely, when their leaders turned away from God, they suffered.

Despotic and corrupt leaders, the world over, cause their people untold suffering and great hardship. The same was affirmed by the Lord when He said this about the leaders of His people who had led them astray: Isaiah 9:16 For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.

If Trinidad and Tobago is to see better days and experience the merciful and healing balm of the creator of heaven and earth, we need to look to God.

Also, the path to personal restoration and healing begins and ends by obeying this simple truth: Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

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