Evangelical Christians Are Racist

Among all the scriptural instructions in the Bible given to the followers of Christ, have you ever asked yourself, why “Evangelical Christians” rally around abortion. This pseudo Christian entity masks its anti-Christ agenda by falsely claiming they are upholding God’s commandment – Thou shalt not kill – to protect unborn life. In fact, what they are, and have always been, is a racist white supremacist cult.

From the very beginning, European settlers of the United States used the Bible as their religious constitution to justify the murder, displacement and enslavement of the aboriginal peoples on the American continent. And, subsequently, this same quasi biblical authority was used to enslave men, women and children taken primarily from the west coast of Africa to fuel the economic engine of development. Apart from the many brutal acts of violent repression they used to extract unpaid labour, they specifically misinterpreted certain scriptures of the Bible to mitigated the threat of violent slave uprisings. In fact, many of the verses they deemed not to be conducive towards this objective were removed from this version of the Bible given to the slaves. Thus, they created what was referred to, in its time, as the “black Bible”.

As these “settlers” conquered larger swaths of land in the “new world” and expanded their industries, the introduction of greater numbers of slaves to drive this economic engine created a disproportionate racial demographic – with “blacks” far outnumbering “whites”. Over time, as slaves fought for and won greater autonomy, whites passed laws in order to maintain their autocracy, which they enforced by using unmitigated violence to curtail these freedoms. Fast forward to the present, and much of what was done in the past, to conserve white dominance, hasn’t really changed. However, the growing population disparity among whites and blacks, and subsequently a greater influx of non-white migrants, threatened to “naturally” wrest power from those who have long held it with the evolution of the democratic rule of one “man” one vote, which now includes women. In light of this competing racial divide and the divergent trend in birthrates exponentially favouring the financially and politically ostracised, along with the precipitous decline in the progeny of the white-ruling class, plutocratic whites fear the loss of their long-held status via the ballot box. Thus, they developed many insidious and nefarious stratagems in order to maintain white rule.

Some moves to stymie this eventuality have been overtly violent – the disproportionate killing and incarceration of predominantly black men. Others involve the passing of legislation to reduce migration from mostly non-white countries, Gerrymandering of districts to favour white municipalities, while conversely suppressing the right to vote among blacks and other racial minorities. Additional measures include opposition to the desegregation of white school districts and living areas in order to mitigate any increase in interracial relationships and marriages. Also, among these initiatives have been the displacement of racially diverse communities with rich whites through gentrification.

Evangelical Christians, who are the religious arm of this strategy of white dominance, sponsor political candidates who promote their “Christian” agenda. One of their primary mission pillars includes waging war against abortion. The true goal of this endeavour is aimed at bolstering the birthrate of the dwindling white population, even if this involves the crimes of incest and rape. Contrary to the widespread held view, promoted by this hypocritical sect, this objective has no support in the scriptures. The subliminal sub-text for this philosophy, which is couched in the guise of spreading God’s word, comes from the authors of similar works like “The Birth Dearth” written by Ben Wattenberg – a Jew. His promotion of white supremacy by supporting an increase in the white birthrate aligns itself with those of white slaveholders who introduced the “black Bible” in order to mitigated slave uprisings and to maintain control of a burgeoning oppressed black majority.

The main defining religious trait of “Evangelicals” is their outright rejection of the basic tenants of the scriptures. And, as is commonplace for such religious groups, they have metastasized into a pantheon of “Christian-like” organizations who each espouse their own brand of hypocrisy and apostasy, but who never stray from the central objective of their demonic moorings of white rule. Furthermore, it is not surprising, to those who know and practice the truth of the scriptures, that they attract such a large following of morally destitute individuals, because the Bible, from which they falsely claim to get their guidance, prophesied that they would garner such a mass following of apostates.

False prophets appeared in the past among the people, and in the same way false teachers will appear among you. They will bring in destructive, untrue doctrines, and will deny the Master who redeemed them, and so they will bring upon themselves sudden destruction. Even so, many will follow their immoral ways; and because of what they do, others will speak evil of the Way of truth. -2 Peter 2:1-2 (Good News Bible)

Therefore, it should not surprise anyone that “Evangelical Christians”, despite claiming to be God’s mouthpiece and advocates for newborn life as well as the Christian ethos of brotherly love, are always conspicuously silent and inactive when black and other minority people are attacked by white supremacists. This religious racial divide couldn’t be made much more clearer than by the fact there needs to exist, still to this day, in America, because of long-practised racial bias, a black church. Furthermore, if they would lend a fraction of the support for oppressed minorities in America that they give to the nation of Israel, the United States would experience an age of racial enlightenment and harmony that the world has never before seen. Yet, again, it should not surprise anyone, given the close ties which exits between the U.S. and the nation of Israel, that Israel’s brutal and violent oppression of the Palestinian people mimics the actions of the white racist Evangelicals of America.

There is a unique parallel which exits among Zionists and the European “settlers” of America. They both claim God-given ownership over their respective conquered territories. Each seeks to expand the demographic of their divinely “chosen” people by purging the “non-white/gentile” from their borders. America, through gentrification is targeting racially diverse and minority residents for eviction. While on the other hand, Israel encroaches more and more into Palestinian territories, via the expansion of illegal settlements. America has always disproportionately targeted blacks for incarceration and trampled upon their human rights, while Israel’s mass imprisonment of Palestinian men, women and children is designed to break their spirit and will for resistance against the illegal Israeli occupation. America’s scant regard for black lives is evidenced by their incommensurate acts of violence against them and by the highly-publicized killings of unarmed black men by militarized racist white police officers. Likewise, Palestinians suffer exponentially at the hands of Israeli soldiers who kill youths throwing stones, decimate their communities and families by dropping bombs on residential districts and by carrying out assassinations of the innocent. Those who highlight and expose these atrocities through peaceful protests, while calling for justice and a need to recognize their common humanity, are demonized by American and Israeli media alike as being either anti-American, or, in the case of Zionists abuses, anti-Semitic.

Zionists are all too aware that an American Congress controlled by a non-white majority jeopardises their security and their mission to establish an Israeli homeland. Therefore, they are not in the least bit opposed to the Evangelical Christian agenda. In fact, they support it, because their fortunes are inextricably linked to one another. Paradoxically and hypocritically, both these nations view the world through a distorted religious lens, and they falsely claim God’s divine sanction and authority in their march towards nationalism. However, it is clear from any casual reading of their own Biblical canons, this is definitely not the case.

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