Category Archives: Today’s Message

“Christians” don’t read the Bible

There are vast numbers of people who believe in the triumvirate of Christianity – God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.  They also believe that the Bible is the “word” of God.  Furthermore, within this group, there are … Continue reading

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“You are In Error…”

In the gospel of Matthew chapter 22 and verse 29, Jesus begins His response to an attempt by the Sadducees, a religious sect who did not believe in the resurrection, to trap Him with a question from verses 24 to … Continue reading

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Why are People Paying for the Gospel?

Today, the sale of “Christian” merchandise is a multi-billion dollar industry.  Apart from the purchase of Bibles and legitimate study aides, the seemingly countless offerings of “How-tos” for “successful Christian” living as well as miscellaneous other products rakes in untold … Continue reading

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